I will never be able to make a train journey without thinking of you. I would always be asking what train, time, platform etc as I could never firnd my way anywhere without your help especially to 'that there London'.
Yoou are truely the only person who can find a vegan restaurant anywhere... even in Burton!
Your impression of the lady you saw at the bus stop having a wee...
Your special bond with Denzel (the dog)...
Football scarf used as nipple tassels...
Pretneding to be drunk when I arrived at the curry place and you were that good, I fell for it...
Vegan baking that was actually pretty awesome (who knew vegan recipes could be so yummy)...
Your fabulous attempt at a Tamworth Football Club birthday cake... I treid to return the favour with an Iron Bru one (we shall say no more)...
And your generally no nonsense approach to life... I will miss your smile, kind words and random emoji messages... Oh yes I nearly forgot emojis which brings me to my last point which only You, Ross and I will get...
Sweet Potato xx